Behind the Scenes: Discover 9 Game of Thrones Filming Locations

Jul 16, 2024 By Sean William

The epic fantasy series "Game of Thrones" mesmerized audiences globally with its intricate plotlines, complex characters, and breathtaking visuals. Integral to bringing this fantastical world to life were its diverse and stunning filming locations. From the rugged landscapes of Northern Ireland to the historic architecture of Croatia, the show utilized various real-world settings to create the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. This guide will take you behind the scenes to explore nine of the most iconic filming locations used throughout the series. Whether you are a devoted fan or simply interested in unique travel destinations, these sites offer a captivating glimpse into the places that helped shape one of television's most legendary shows.

Northern Ireland: The Land of Winterfell and Beyond

Northern Ireland is the primary filming location for Game of Thrones, serving as the setting for many iconic scenes and major story arcs. The rugged, wild landscapes of this region perfectly embody the untamed nature of Westeros. One of the most notable locations is Castle Ward, which serves as the ancestral home of House Stark - Winterfell. Visitors can tour the castle grounds and see recognizable spots such as the courtyard where Bran practiced archery and the tower that served as his room.

Other notable locations in Northern Ireland include Tollymore Forest Park, which served as the backdrop for the eerie Haunted Forest scenes, and Ballintoy Harbour, where Theon Greyjoy returned to the Iron Islands after his time as a prisoner of House Bolton.

Croatia: A Mediterranean Twist on King's Landing

Croatia's stunning coastline and historic architecture were utilized to create the capital city of Westeros - King's Landing. The ancient city of Dubrovnik served as the main filming location for this iconic setting, with its towering walls and picturesque streets providing the perfect backdrop for political intrigue and epic battles. Fans can visit locations such as Lovrijenac Fortress which was used as the Red Keep, and the Jesuit Staircase where Cersei's infamous Walk of Shame took place.

Additionally, Trsteno Arboretum was used as the palace gardens and served as a meeting point for many key characters throughout the series. Its tranquil beauty is a stark contrast to the events that unfolded within its walls.

Morocco: A Desert Oasis for Daenerys

The exotic country of Morocco was chosen to represent the vast lands of Essos, specifically the cities of Astapor and Yunkai. The ancient city of Ait Benhaddou was transformed into Slaver's Bay, with its intricate architecture and desert surroundings providing an otherworldly setting for Daenerys' journey to free the Unsullied. Fans can visit this location and see the iconic walls where Dany makes her deal with the slave masters.

Iceland: The Cold, Stark Beauty Beyond the Wall

The rugged landscapes of Iceland were used to create the icy and desolate regions beyond the Wall. Scenes such as Jon Snow's first encounter with a White Walker and Mance Rayder's Wildling army march were all filmed in various locations across this stunning country. Fans can visit Vatnajkull National Park, which served as both the Frostfang Mountains and North of the Wall, and Thingvellir National Park, which is where the Wildling army camped in season two.

Spain: A Dornish Paradise

The sunny country of Spain was chosen to represent the exotic land of Dorne, and its vibrant culture and stunning landscapes were a perfect fit. The Alcazar of Seville served as the location for the Water Gardens of Sunspear, where Prince Oberyn Martell famously met his end in a trial by combat. Other locations include the Castle of Zafra used as Tower of Joy in Bran's vision and Bardenas Reales Natural Park, which was transformed into the Dothraki Sea.

Ireland: A Haven for the Ironborn

The rugged coastlines and ancient ruins of Ireland were utilized to create the Iron Islands, home to House Greyjoy. Locations such as Ballintoy Harbour in Northern Ireland and Murlough Bay in County Antrim served as the Iron Islands' ports and rugged shores. Additionally, Dunluce Castle was used as Pyke, the stronghold of House Greyjoy. Fans can visit these locations and imagine themselves amongst the ironborn raiders.

Scotland: The Wild North Beyond the Wall

Scotland's dramatic landscapes were also used for scenes beyond the Wall, creating an even more diverse and expansive depiction of this remote region. The Highlands served as the location for the Battle of Hardhome, where Jon Snow faced off against the Night King and his army of wights. Other notable locations include Glen Coe, which was used to represent both North of the Wall and the lands beyond it.

Malta: A City Fit for a Dothraki Khal

The ancient city of Mdina in Malta served as the setting for one of the most iconic moments in "Game of Thrones" - Daenerys' wedding to Khal Drogo. Its narrow streets and historic structures provided the perfect backdrop for the Dothraki horde and their leader's rise to power. Fans can visit this location and relive that powerful scene in person.

United States: The Surprising Home of Winterfell


Although most filming locations for "Game of Thrones" are based in Europe, the show also utilized various locations in the United States. Castle Black, the headquarters of the Night's Watch, was filmed at an abandoned rock quarry in Northern Ireland and then digitally merged with footage from a castle replica built in California. This unique blend of real-world and digital effects created a realistic and awe-inspiring depiction of this iconic location.


These are just some of the iconic locations from Game of Thrones that fans can visit and experience for themselves. Each destination offers a unique glimpse into the world of Westeros, allowing fans to step into their favorite characters' shoes and relive some of the most memorable moments from the series. Whether you're a die-hard fan or simply looking for an unforgettable travel experience, these locations should definitely be on your bucket list. So pack your bags and prepare to embark on an epic journey through the stunning settings that helped bring "Game of Thrones" to life.

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