Indonesia Welcomes the World: Visa-Free Entry for 20 Countries to Revitalize Tourism

Jan 09, 2024 By Sean William

Indonesia is considering letting people from 20 countries enter without a visa to boost its income and tourism. This mix of countries is from different continents, carefully picked to increase the number of tourists. The government's thoughtful planning in making this list wants to ensure they bring a mix of foreign visitors into the country. The big economies under consideration are the US, China, Australia (AU), India (IN), South Korea S. K., United Kingdom UK and France.

Background of Indonesia's Tourism Industry

Indonesia is a place that tourists like to visit because it has different landscapes, lots of culture, and kind people. The country's beauty is in its unique natural features like forests and clean beaches. It also has old buildings and energetic urban areas. Recent problems, made worse by the worldwide pandemic, have led to a need for new ideas to bring back tourism. The choice made by the Indonesian government to let people in without needing a visa shows they are active and ready to deal with changing situations and boost travel. The government aims to eliminate obstacles and make them more accessible for people.

Expanding Horizons: The 20 Eligible Countries

The chosen 20 countries come from different parts of the world, like Asia and Europe. The rules for who can join include many countries. This way of being open to everyone shows Indonesia's promise of making friendships worldwide and giving guests a nice place.

Navigating the Visa-Free Process

People from the listed countries can now quickly enter without problems like getting a traditional visa. The easy-to-use steps aim to improve travel, making it simpler for tourists to discover Indonesia's treasures. The country's unique places, like clean beaches and old temples, are ready for discovery without dealing with too much paperwork.

Reasons for Launching the Project

Sandiaga Uno, Indonesia's tourism minister, announced the project. The president ordered it to help investment grow and boost travel while supporting money growth among businesses. The government chose a group of 20 countries that can use the visa-free system.

Economic Impacts and Opportunities

Aside from the quick gains for visitors, Indonesia expects significant monetary benefits. The arrival of many foreign tourists is likely to help different areas, like hotels, travel services, and local shops. This smart action matches the government's plan to make long-lasting growth and jobs for its people.

Bridging Cultures Through Travel

The plan that allows people to enter without needing a visa is not only about increasing the number of visitors; it's also meant to promote exchange between different cultures. Indonesia wants people all over the world to see and enjoy its culture. This helps them understand each other better and share experiences globally as a community.

Helping Tourism Bounce Back During the Pandemic Period

In 2019, before the pandemic happened, Indonesia significantly increased tourism, with more than sixteen million visitors from other countries. Even though there was a short problem because of the pandemic, the business has made a fantastic return. In the same period last year, Tourist numbers jumped by 124.3%, which brought the total number of visitors to 9.49 million from January to October 2023. This increasing pattern shows much room for growth, making the visa-free entry rule very important.

Matching Strategies with Southeast Asian Counterparts

This change in policy matches what other Southeast Asian countries like Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand have also done. Some countries now say they won't need visas for visitors from China and India to draw more tourists; Indonesia wants more people to visit it, spend more money, and stay longer if they don't need a permit.

In September 2023, Indonesia started a golden visa program to attract foreign investors and people. A golden visa is a five to ten-year residence permit, says Immigration Director-General Silmy Karim. A person must put $2.5 million into a business for the 5-year access and $5 million for the 10-year one. For a director or commissioner visa, corporate investors must invest $25 million for five years and $50 million for ten.

Surging Tourism Revenue

The travel business in Indonesia is increasing to help the country's income more. In 2022, the industry accounted for around 3.6% of total money produced (GDP), about US$6.7 billion. Indonesia wanted 7.4 million foreign tourists in 2023, but they got more than expected in July and August. Beforehappened, 16 million people from other countries came to the country. Indonesia hopes to get 9.5-14.3 million foreign visitors and have around 220 trillion rupiah (US$14.1 billion) in GDP by 2024.

Investment Chances for Foreign and Local Investors

Tourism business in Indonesia is likely to grow by 12.03% every year until 2026.. People visiting from other countries and those staying within the government will make this growth happen. More and more local people travel because infrastructure like roads, hotels, and other services keep improving. At the same time, a rising middle-class group can afford to travel nowadays. In 2022, people from Indonesia took over 734 million trips inside the country, almost twenty percent more than the previous year.


To sum up, Indonesia's brilliant plan to let people from 20 countries visit without needing a visa shows they have great ideas to make their economy grow more prominent and get travelers interested again. This well-organized project, aiming at big economies, shows the government's promise to draw a vast international crowd. By making it easier to get in, Indonesia wants to make tourists feel welcome. This project will help bring about cultural sharing and good understanding between people from different places. In line with its local partners, Indonesia's plans - like the golden visa program - set it up for long-term growth and more money coming in. The cash from more tourists and the yearly increase of 12.03% show good chances for foreign and local investors, which helps with Indonesia's goal to be a great tourist place.

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